Growing up in a culture where fixed mind set is so common, we wanted our writing to challenge perspectives and change points of view. The medical field is constantly adapting to accommodate both changes societal norms and scientific breakthroughs, which has raised questions on what should be acceptable and what shouldn't.
Through this blog we aim to explore some of the less recognised ethical issues and debates in Medicine, and shed light on new perspectives and ideas you may not have considered before. Ethics isn't black and white, culture is evolving, and science is progressing. This blog offers our take on medical ethics and other pressing issues in the field, and we hope our articles raise questions and raise some eyebrows too.
Whilst I hate to credit a worldwide pandemic for Under the Microscope, our blog was born of a boring afternoon spent in lockdown, desperately searching for something stimulating to do. With my A level exams cancelled, a month long summer internship called off and a two-week term break approaching, I knew I'd need something to keep my brain busy and my passion for Medicine alive. After all, how much banana bread can one really bake?
I decided to call up a couple of my closest friends - two of the most passionate and eager prospective medics I know - to ask them if they would raise this brain baby with me.
It took us some time to fully decide what we wanted to achieve with our blog and the kind of writing we thought would be valuable to put out for our potential readers.
How could we make our articles original and relevant to our community? What issues have already been explored? And how do we stray far from sounding preachy and giving unauthorised medical advice?
These were some of the factors we had to consider deeply before coming up with the 5 themes we collectively believed would cover the most useful, interesting and pertinent topics, for anyone in our community and beyond.
Especially after a friend responded to our idea with 'but doesn't WebMD exist already?', we knew we had to approach our writing with a fresh and diverse point of view.

Where do you stand on the spectrum of right and wrong? Read more about some debates in Medicine that will keep you jumping between for and against.
How does healthcare where you live compare to other places in the world? What kind of inequality do Malaysian health workers and doctors experience in the field? Read to find out more
Insights on treatment of disease and how doctors are approaching them.
We wanted to pay tribute to the iconic women in medicine who have revolutionised the field. Credit is owed where credit is due.
Looking to do medicine in the future? Read some of our tips, advice and experiences from our own application process, as well as our insights on the Medical school system.